Cookies policy

The following Cookie Policy sets out the rules for saving and accessing to the data on Devices of Users using the Website for the purpose of providing services by road electronically by the Website Administrator.

§ 1 Definitions

  • Website - a website operating at

  • External website - partners' website, service providers or Administrator's service users

  • Administrator - DIGGER PRZEMYSŁAW ZEP based in 41-807 Zabrze, ul. Handlowa 6, with a tax identification number (NIP): 6482402957 , with a REGON number: 243255039 , providing services by electronically via the Website and storing and accessing information on User's devices

  • User - a natural person for whom The administrator provides services electronically via the Website.

  • Device - an electronic device with software, behind through which the User gains access to the Website

  • Cookies - text data collected in form of files posted on the User's Device

§ 2 Types of Cookies

  • Internal cookies - files placed and read from the Device The User is sent by the Website's ICT system

  • External cookies - files placed and read from the Device The User through the ICT systems of external websites

  • Session cookies - files placed and read from the Device The User through the Website or external websites during one session of a given Device. After the session ends, the files are removed from the User Devices.

  • Persistent cookies - files placed and read from the Device The User through the Website or external websites until you delete them manually. Files are not deleted automatically when finished Device sessions, unless the User's Device configuration is set to mode deleting Cookie files after the end of the Device session.

§ 3 Security

  • Storage and reading mechanisms - Mechanisms storage and reading Cookies do not allow the collection of any personal data or any other confidential information from the User's Device. Transfer to the User's Device viruses, trojans and other worms is practically impossible.

  • Internal cookie - used by Internal Cookie Administrator are safe for Users' Devices

  • An external cookie third - for keeping your files safe Cookie coming from Website partners, the Administrator is not responsible. List of partners is available further in the Cookie Policy.

§ 4 Purposes for which Cookie files are used

  • Statistical info - Administrator and external websites uses cookies to collecting and processing statistical data, such as visit statistics, User Device statistics or user behavior statistics. This data is collected are in order to analyze and improve the Website.

§ 5 External websites

The administrator works with the following services external that may place Cookie files on User's Devices:

  • Google Analytics

§ 6 Possibilities to define the conditions of storage and retrieval access on User's Devices through the Website i External websites

  • The user can change it himself at any time settings related to saving, deleting and accessing data from saved Cookies

  • Information on how to disable cookies in the most popular browsers computers and mobile devices are available at: how disable cookies .

  • The user can delete any written to this at any time so far cookies using the User's Device tools through which the User uses the services of the Website.

§ 7 Website Requirements

  • Restriction of saving and access to Cookie files on the Device User can cause malfunction of some of the Website's functions.

  • Administrator takes no responsibility for incorrectly working functions Website in the event that the User restricts the possibility of saving in any way and reading cookies.

§ 8 Changes to the Cookie Policy

  • The administrator reserves the right to change this at any time Cookie Policy without the need to inform users about it.

  • Changes made to the Cookie Policy will always be published on this one side.

  • The introduced changes enter into force on the date of publication of the Policy Cookie.

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